Why take a TEFL course?
Our online TEFL training course is everything you need to start your adventure abroad! With international accreditation and our access to valuable TEFL contacts across the globe, you’ll be on your way to earning and living abroad before you know it.
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Why the 120 Hour Online Course?
The 120 hour course is the expected requirement for TEFL jobs abroad and the only qualification you need to take those first steps towards a new life overseas. Packed with TEFL essentials and intensive training you will be equipped with invaluable teaching skills.
About the course
Each module is packed full of essential TEFL training. Including grammar and vocabulary teaching guides, classroom confidence building, lesson planning and employment advice.
The course is packed full of practical knowledge and tips to help you become a great TEFL teacher. It has 3 main sections, guiding you through the core elements of successful teaching in turn. Each section includes:
- Knowledge modules, combining clearly presented theory with short films, activities, quizzes and practical ideas to make your learning come alive
- Putting it into Practice, providing brilliant real life examples and ideas to help turn your knowledge into really effective teaching practice
- Check Your Knowledge, structured self-check quizzes to help you review what you have been taught.

Key components of the course
- How to teach young learners, teenagers, adults and one-to-one
- Lesson plan guidance
- Evaluation and examination
- Teaching pronunciation, vocabulary and listening skills
- The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
- Activities and resources to use in the classroom
- Reading and writing instruction
- Full grammar training
- Using technology and multimedia in the classroom
- Finding a job, how to structure your TEFL CV/resume and advice about finding employment
- Detailed feedback and support from a personal tutor
View Full Course Breakdown ↓
Course Breakdown
Section 1: Planning a Lesson Planning is an essential part of teaching. If you invest time in structuring and developing a lesson, you are well on the way to making it work once you step into the classroom (not to mention having something concrete to help you overcome those first day nerves!).
The first part of the course focuses on how to create a successful lesson plan. You will be guided through the process of creating a great plan and will learn about teaching methodologies, what to include in a lesson plan, how to set out a lesson plan and adapting your lesson for different types of classes you might teach.
Section 2: Lesson Content Your fantastic lesson plan needs to have some language content. This section examines the 3 main topics you will teach, namely: vocabulary, grammar and the 4 skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking).
You will refresh your own knowledge of each topic, and learn about how to turn this knowledge into great material for your class.
Section 3: Making it Work in the Classroom Planning your lesson and knowing your topic are brilliant foundations for teaching. However, you still need to deliver your lesson to real students.
This section of the course explores how to give yourself the best possible chance of delivering your lesson successfully. You will learn about creating a good teaching environment for your students, approaches to helping your students to learn and how to deal with problems that arise.
Course Assessment Once you have completed Section 3, you will be ready to take the course assessment.
This has 3 parts: first you will take a test to check your knowledge, you will then need to create a lesson plan and finally produce a piece of written work to demonstrate your understanding of effective teaching.
Your work will be marked within 7 days, and you will receive written feedback. Your certificate will then follow within 28 days (although as a small and nimble business we always try to beat this!)
Taking it Further Completing the course is just your first step to an amazing TEFL adventure. To help you on your way, we end the course with an additional section setting out listings for further reading and resources, practical hints for finding work (including links to useful recruitments), and finally some tips to help you with that crucial first day in the classroom.
Support and Advice Trainees have access to support and advice throughout the course, through our support desk team and course tutors.